Monday 19 September 2016

Unlock Your Hip Flexors Review


Overview of Mike Westerdal Unlock Your Hip Flexors

Unlock your hip flexors program is the most sorts after health and fitnessblueprint that seek to help unravel the most essential survival muscles in our body. Medical experts have repeatedly failed to understand the most ideal way to locate and fix whatever problems this hidden survival muscle might be having.
This is due to the fact that it is smartly hidden in the most delicate and very important part of our body. No one is ready to risk touching the hips if he is not sure of what is happening there. But, tight hip has been identified as the major causes of severe body pain, bloated belly fat, flaw mobility and lack of energy to propel our body for daily activities. The hip is no doubt the major link between the upper and the lower body and this is the brain box that dictates the movement activities of our body.
This hidden muscle called ‘’Psoas’’ is very crucial for our survival as a normal human being and so deserves serious attention. It sit majestically inside the hip and the lower spine and is one of the double muscles that is named the ‘’Iliopsoas’’.


The psoas just as it propels and strategizes the entire body system for fluent mobility, perfect energy and excellent natural fat burning exercises easily; could equally be serious causes of severe pain, sexual incompetence, general body weakness and uncontrolled weight gain if it becomes very tight. In essence, any functional hip flexor must be very smooth and fluid; this is the only way it will be working well for us and never against our health.
Mike Westerdal, the respected author of unlock your hip flexors book of seamless fitness tips claimed that the techniques of this guide will excellently help you locate and treat whatever troubles your hip or psoas muscles might be having. No matter your age or fitness level its special bodyweight sequence will easily help unlock your hidden survival muscle and reprogram it for excellent mobility, energized your body and you begin to feel free again.
Unlock your hip flexors download contain the most ideal and easy workout plans of about 10 strategic moves excellently primed to help you regenerate the hidden power in your body. A well functional psoas will automatically fire up your body system towards peak performance daily, help regenerate your natural fat burning hormones for regular fat burning, enable you train very well than you could ever imagine. It’ll elevate your sexual power to the highest level, flood your body and mind with awesome energy and vigor. In fact, you’ll see how your health and fitness situation becomes very sound.
Unlock your hip flexors pdf has equally through research identify extensive sitting as the most notorious enemy that inhibit our health. This is due to the fact that it causes serious negative impact on our psoas muscle. It makes our body becomes very weak and substantially frustrates us with poor sexual performance. There are 3 ways that has been discovered with which sitting affecting our health physically and emotionally. They are as follow –
  • Bulging Belly Fat Syndrome.
  • Fat Loss Inhibitor.
  • Lack of Sexual Performance.
To be specific, psoas muscle is nonetheless the most essential organ that handles the core activities of our body system and it must be monitored with keen interest. If your psoas muscle lost its balance or become tight; then there is going to be a dire consequences and your entire body system will never be at peace. Nobody needs to be told that health is wealth. Psoas muscle holds the key to your wellness, health and fitness lives, you must guard it jealously.
To do this perfectly, unlock your hip flexors exercises may be the ideal template of workout plans you should look up to. You don’t need any expensive exercise equipment to perform them. You can comfortably perform unlock your hip flexors exercises in your house. You equally do not require signing up for any gym membership; you only need to turn a part of your apartment into a home gym and there you go.
And in this unlock your hip flexors review, we have comb the markets, health and fitness forums and some personal contact with those that have really experience what unlock your hip flexors is truly all about. In doing this, we apply the rule of honesty, without any bias, unnecessary marketing hype and falsehood. Our reports are all based on the real truth of what this fitness training could really do or cannot do. We belief if you can patiently read through, you’ll be in a prime position to decides if unlock your hip flexors program can really help you loosen your tight psoas muscle.

Unlock Your Hip Flexors Pdf Product Details

Product Name: Unlock Your Hip Flexors
Author Names: Mike Westerdal & Rick Kaselj, MS.
Official Website: CLICK HERE
Category: Health & Fitness
Bonus: Available
Customer Support: Excellent
Refund Policy: 100% 60-day Money Back Guarantee

What is Unlock Your Hip Flexors Program?

Unlock your hip flexors is a health and fitness done-for-you program of specially created sequential flows that compel your body to revamp its natural healing ability, increase its flexibility, gives more strength and vitality. Unlock your hip flexors exercises have been specially formulated to help loosen tighten psoas muscle at a go. Reading through the guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about your hip flexors and the proper way of managing it holistically.
Unlock your hip flexors pdf has a practicalized, easy-to-follow program guide that can be replicated instantly for excellent results. It equally contain unlock your hip flexors video manual excellently recorded and will clearly demonstrate to you how to perform the 10 exclusive sequential flows exercises as explained by Rick Kaselj himself. These fitness training includes PNF Stretches, Static Exercises, Mobility Exercises, Fascia Stretching and Muscle Activation.This video will clearly train you on the real methodology of targeting this hidden psoas muscle effectively.
Unlock your hip flexors is no doubt the real deal exclusively created to get you every rewards of dealing with your tight hip flexors to give you added strength, vigor and fluent mobility. Also, it has been well complimented with a specialized diet protocol to assist you eliminate completely severe pains, aches, soreness and stiffness. It’ll do these by dealing with excessive inflammation which is the direct effect of injury or environmental toxins contains in the water and our food intakes.
With the 7-Day Anti-Inflammatory Diet Plans, a well simplified and easy diet plan that includes diet prescription, nutritional plans, shopping lists and supplement advice: you’ll witness rapid healing across your entire body system and your hip flexors will henceforth functions perfectly.

The Men Behind Unlock Your Hip Flexors Pdf

Mike Westerdal is a well known Sport Nutrition Specialist, Personal Trainer and Iron Man Magazine Contributor. He is also the National best-selling Fitness Author and founder of the Internet’s longest-standing Strength Website called ‘’ He has a very rich and robust background in Sport Training and Power lifting. His dream is to help peoples overcome their personal injuries and Nagging Pain with natural remedy devoid of Pills, Drugs and even Surgeries.
He has teamed up with Rick Kaselj, another leading expert in personal injury treatment. They both combine their different experience to formulate unlock your hip flexors program to assists sportsmen and women and others solve their hitherto unresolved personal injury with simple and perfect exercises plus effective diet regime. With this, no one will even think of going under the knife to solve their injury headache again.
Rick Kaselj, MS is a leading Kinesiologist and Injury Management Specialist of note. He is the perfect and the most reliable Person every notable Fitness Practitioners rushes to whenever they wish to learn about the latest tips and tricks on anything concerning fitness issues and injury management.
He has over the years delivered more than 352 Live Presentations to about 8,152 Health and FitnessProfessionals in US and Canada alone. Many of his notable programs have been featured on several top media platforms including both Print and Electronic Media such as –,, BestHealth, FitLifeBC, Certified News, Iron Man Magazine, Yahoo! News, Thrifty & Green, PFP, Surveynow, livepainfree, Bare Essential Magazine, BCBusiness and San Francisco Chronicle.
Rick was the one that designed the sequential flows methods in unlock your hip flexors program. And it has been the ultimate technique that has separate unlock your hip flexors from others.

What you’ll learn in Unlock Your Hip Flexors Program?

  • You’ll learn the specific techniques of targeting the hard-to-reach muscles with the well outlined, easy-to-follow step-by-step video that will hold you by hand and teaches you the entire key move as clearly demonstrated by Rick to easily become your second nature.
  • You’ll learn and understand the only element of human body posture and why your hips are the gateway to your peak performances. (If it fails you, your performances will be negatively deteriorated).
  • You’ll understand the true impact of the Psoas Muscle on your entire body system as it concerns Physical, Emotional and Spiritual well-being.
  • How your body’s natural survival response has been set into permanent ‘’Danger Mode’’ and the modalities to switch it off to spear head quick fat loss and restores your energy.
  • You’ll learn and understand why your Psoas Muscle changes structure, this is worrisome signs for your body system: because any minimal change will spearhead serious impact on all other muscles in your body.
  • Why you are likely to be affected by this problem if you’re a dedicated gym enthusiast that train repeatedly non-stop.
  • How and why intense core workouts could be doing more harm than good to you, if you haven’t solve your tight hip first.
  • How tight hips affect your sexual performance through decreased blood flow and circulation and what you can do about it right now to achieve peak sexual health again.
  • Why “comfort” and “support” are the enemies of our natural physiology and how we can start to move back towards our natural posture (forget pillows, support cushions and belts.)
  • Why some guys end up with “old-guy butt syndrome” that isn’t sexy but also inevitably leads to hip pain and how to avoid it by loosening the hips.
  • Why you need to understand the 2 situations you NEED to be aware of when training your glutes to ensure they’re properly activated for maximum athletic performance.
  • You’ll learn how to clear your mind and re-energize your thinking simply through learning how to relax your psoas muscle (this alone will help you wipe stress from your mind instantly).
  • And some more amazing revelations that will readily blow your mind away….

What you’ll get in Unlock Your Hip Flexors Pdf Package?

Whenever you buy unlock your hip flexors pdf, you’ll have in your package the followings –
  • Unlock your Hip Flexors Manual.
  • Unlock Your Hip Flexors Video.
You’ll also get additional Unlock Your Hip Flexors Bonus in –
  • Unlock Your Tight Harmstrings. ‘’The Key to a Healthy Back and Perfect Posture’’.
  • The 7-Day Anti-Inflammatory Diet. ‘’Automatically Heal Your Body with The Right Foods’’.

Unlock Your Hip Flexors Pros

  • It offers new dimension towards restoring hip flexors problem holistically.
  • It presents a perfect self help template for achieving excellent Psoas Muscle Management.
  • The program easy-to-follow step-by-step guidelines coupled with excellently produced video will realistically help locate and correct every imbalance with your hip flexor.
  • Its methods of using Sequential Flows to execute the exercises will clinically help deal with tighten hip flexor accurately.
  • It is a fully home-based program that doesn’t require any exercise equipments.
  • It is very affordable to all.
  • It comes with a dependable money-back program which serves as security for your investment.

Unlock Your Hip Flexors Cons

  • You must be ready to accurately and patiently follow al the stipulated instructions as recommended in the program, if you must achieve excellent results.
  • Unlock your hip flexors comes in a pdf format and can only be access online; no hard copy is available.


Unlock your hip flexors is no doubt an effective program in dealing with psoas muscle and every other personal injuries. Its efficiency can never be queried at all; the expertise and research efforts put into its formulation by its originators are of the highest class. Its results rates as demonstrated by the avalanche of positive testimonials being received on daily basis are clear evidence of its true potentials. The sequential flows methods was created and recommended by a proven fitness and injury expert, whose authority can never be challenged.
Also, the program 100% refund policy is an attractive incentive that should galvanize anyone into trying out the program. This will ensures that you ably recovered your money back in an event of not completely satisfied with its performances. Any author that is unsure of what he is selling will never confidently put this on the table at all. So, we feel this eliminate any doubts in your mind in an effort to try it out. You can never lose out at all. Try unlock your hip flexors program out today and let its performance speaks for itself.

CLICK HERE TO DISCOVER THE SECRET TO UNLOCK YOUR HIP FLEXORS NOW!unlock your hip flexors video, unlock your hip flexors, unlock your hip flexors download, unlock your hip flexors review, health and fitness,

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